"Catch" All the Latest on N.J. Saltwater Fishing, Conditions, Information, and Coming Events of the Salt Water Anglers of Bergen County, New JerseySWABC LogoSWABC Logo 

  Welcome to the Official Web site of the

Salt Water Anglers of Bergen County, New Jersey

The Saltwater Anglers of Bergen County would like to enlist you as a sponsor! 

Why become a sponsor?  By sponsoring our club you will help our club’s efforts to give back to our community through various fund-raising projects such as our most prestigious “Take A Kid Fishing Program”. Each year, our club organizes a fishing trip for underprivileged children who could only dream about the thrills of fishing.  This trip provides one day of pure fun in their troubled lives!  Your support will also help to energize more anglers to support our recreational fishing industry. Our club has organized many fishing trips for anglers to get them more involved in fishing, including our second Annual Fluke Tournament during August 10th of this year.  Also, we have a speaker program for our monthly meetings to have more anglers more involved in saltwater fishing through our “how to” presentations to catch various species.  Our club is also very aware of the many environmental, access and management issues concerning saltwater fishing and we are actively involved in them.  For example, one of our club members recently testified to legislators in Trenton to pass the ”Hooked on Fishing Not On Drugs” legislation to get more youths involved in fishing.  This bill was approved.  Our club is also an active member of the Jersey Coast Anglers Association, an association of 75 fishing clubs with the goal of protecting the rights of anglers who fish in New Jersey.  

The financial proceeds we receive will help finance the club’s many functions: such as the chartered fishing trip for underprivileged children, our speaker program, annual fluke tournaments and other activities like helping to pay for stocking a pond for young children to introduce them to the joy and adventure that fishing has to offer for them. 

Your contribution can be monetary in nature or through providing our club with the products manufactured by your company.  In return, our club will add your company to our website and our newsletter sponsorship page.  There are various levels of sponsorship and they are detailed on the following page.  Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. 

We are also designated as a 501.C3 non-profit charitable organization

 If you have any questions or comments, please contact us more information (Tom Tyls at 201-796-8522), or visit our website www.swabc.org.  Thank you for your consideration of this request.


 Charles Santoro,

President, Saltwater Anglers of Bergen County


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