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2024 Fishing Regulations

New 2024 - 2025 Fishing Regulations for Fluke, Sea Bass and Porgies

By John Toth

Our quota for fluke was reduced by 28% by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) on the grounds that we overfished this species and a cutback in or quota for fluke had to be made. Of course, this reduction in our quota for fluke by the ASMFC was based on faulty data.

 On March 7th, a meeting was held in Galloway Twp. by the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council to determine the regulations for fluke, sea bass and porgies (Scup) and the following regulations were set for each of these species:

Fluke 3 Fluke at 18 inches or greater with the season starting May 4th and ending on September 25th.

Advisors to the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council (which I am one of them) favored this option so that we could catch fluke until late September and other species like striped bass become in season. Another option that would allow 3 fluke at 17.5 inches was considered that would also start in early May, but would end on September 4th. If we went with that option, party and charter boats would sit idle in their marinas with a huge loss in business since they would not be able to fish for fluke even though fluke are still around in September.

The problems with going for fluke at 18 inches are twofold – we have to throw back fluke under 18 inches that results in their mortality, estimated to be around 10%. Also, at 18 inches most of these fish are female and in essence we are killing breeders. Given that we have a 28% reduction in our fluke quota, this really limits our ability to arrive at the best regulations for this species..

Also, this new regulation for fluke will be in effect for two years – 2024 & 2025.

Sea Bass – the regulation for sea bass remains the same as last year – 12. 5 inches for all seasons – 5/17 - 6/19 (10 fish), 7/1 - 8/31 (1 fish), 10/1 - 10/31 (10 fish), 11/1-12/31 (15 fish).

Unlike the regulation for fluke which is in effect for 2 years, the sea bass regulations may be adjusted in 2025 and may result (hopefully) that we may be able to catch more of them. Sea bass are voracious eaters and eat baby fluke, lobsters and just about anything around them. Reducing the stocks of sea bass most likely will result in the increase the stocks of fluke, striped bass and other species.

Porgies/Scup – 10 inch minimum size for seasons January 1st to June 30th and September 1st until December 31st.

These regulations for porgies will be in effect during 2024 & 2025.